We observed care practices, spoke to people, relatives and staff and looked at records to help us understand how people viewed the support they received at this service. This was because some people did not communicate clearly due to their dementia, and were therefore not able to fully tell us about their experiences. Staff showed how well they knew each person's individual needs through their actions. We saw staff offered people choices, listened to people and were aware of people's body language where they did not communicate clearly. Staff were respectful and supported people patiently.
People told us that they liked it at this service . One person said ' I had been before to give my family a rest, but I liked it so much, I stayed'. Another person told us 'it's good to know there's someone about all the time'.
The service had policies and procedures in place that kept people safe. Staff were knowledgeable and confident about their safeguarding responsibilities and how they would respond to any concerns that may arise. People told us they felt safe. One person said 'The staff would know exactly what to do if I was worried about anything'.
Care records were clear to read and ensured people were at the centre of their care. They were regularly reviewed in order to remain up to date.
There were processes in place to monitor the quality of service being provided, and we saw that people and their relative's opinions were obtained through annual questionnaires.