About the service: Highfield House is a care home registered to provide accommodation for up to 20 people. The service provides specialist care to people living with varying degrees of cognitive impairment. Some of the people at Highfield House had complex and sometimes challenging needs. The home also provides day care for people living in the community. Care was provided in a safe and dementia friendly environment. At the time of our inspection there were 20 people living in the home and six people being supported for day care.
People’s experience of using this service:
People at Highfield House received outstanding care and were supported by a staff team that were committed, passionate and knowledgeable. People were treated with exceptional kindness and had positive outcomes.
The service was especially responsive to the needs of people at the home, with a wide range of person-centred activities. Arrangements for social activities were innovative, met people's individual needs, and followed best practice guidance so people could live as full a life as possible. There were good community links and people accessed the community regularly.
The service went the extra mile to provide a family orientated and homely environment for people. Staff had developed strong relationships with people and knew them exceptionally well. People, their relatives and external health and social care professionals overwhelmingly told us that the staff made them feel included and part of a large family. One relative said, “It’s like a big family. They [staff] support us and make us laugh.”
Staff knew people exceptionally well and delivered care and support in a way that met those needs and promoted equality. People and their families were involved in planning their lives, and the service ensured that care was always personalised to meet the needs of each individual living there.
People received their medicines safely and as prescribed. Appropriate arrangements were in place for obtaining, recording, administering and disposing of prescribed medicines.
Staff used positive communication techniques with people so that they felt listened to and valued according to their individual needs. People’s unique communication styles were understood and respected by staff.
Staff were motivated by and proud of the home. Continuous learning was embedded in the home's culture.
People were supported by staff who were highly skilled, and knowledgeable in caring for people with complex needs. There were enough staff to meet people's needs and they supported people with a calm approach, that demonstrated their skills and confidence.
Appropriate recruitment procedures were in place to help ensure only suitable staff were employed.
The service ensured that care delivery was safe, with risks to people continually assessed to ensure both their home environment, and outings in the community were safe. Premises were well maintained.
Rating at last inspection:
The service was rated as Outstanding at the last full comprehensive inspection, the report for which was published on 01 December 2016. The service continues to be Outstanding.
Why we inspected:
This was a planned inspection based on the previous inspection rating.
Follow up:
There is no required follow up to this inspection. However, we will continue to monitor the service and will inspect the service again based on the information we receive.
For more details, please see the full report which is on the CQC website at www.cqc.org.uk