4 June 2013
During a routine inspection
We saw evidence that care plans and personal 'planning books' had been completed with the assistance and consent of people who used the service. Both pieces of documentation had been produced in an easy read format which made it more accessible and understandable to people who used the service.
The five care files that we saw contained assessments that were updated periodically in relation to, health, psychological support, managing emotions and daily living.
It was evident during discussions with staff that they were knowledgeable about each person who used the service. We were told what action would need to be taken to de escalate a situation if challenging behaviour occurred.
A member of staff told us, 'I really enjoy working here, I like helping and supporting people' and 'My boss is very supportive.'
An easy read, 'your right to complain' fact sheet was included in every person's 'my health book'. We also saw that a comments book was available for people who used the service or relatives to make suggestions about the home.