We gathered evidence against the outcomes we inspected to help answer our five key questions; Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led? Below is a summary of what we found. The summary is based on our observations during the inspection, speaking with people using the service, their relatives, the staff supporting them and from looking at records. If you want to see the evidence supporting our summary please read our full report.
This is a summary of what we found-
' Is the service safe?
We found that staff carried out regular checks to ensure that care was provided in a safe, secure environment. We also saw evidence that audits had been carried out to assess performance in key areas such as infection prevention and control and the management of medicines.
People told us that there were always enough staff on duty to provide care appropriately and to keep people safe. Vacant shifts on the rota were usually filled by permanent staff and agency staff were rarely employed.
' Is the service effective?
People who used the service told us that they were happy with the quality of care they received. They said that staff knew their needs well and that they provided their care in the way they preferred.
Relatives told us that their family members were well cared for at the home and that their physical, emotional and healthcare needs were met. One relative told us, 'It's a very friendly home. My Mum's very happy here' and another said of their family member, 'They've looked after him very well. His health has really improved since he moved in.'
The healthcare professional we spoke with told us that staff identified changes in people's needs effectively and made referrals to healthcare services when necessary. The healthcare professional said that the staff they met were well informed about the needs of the people they cared for and that they communicated well with other professionals.
' Is the service caring?
People told us that staff were kind and helpful and that they provided good care. One person said of the staff, 'They're all very good, very caring.' Relatives said that staff treated their family members with respect and knew their needs well. One relative said of the staff, 'They're very polite and helpful' and another told us, 'They look after Mum very well.'
We observed that staff engaged and interacted with people in a positive manner and encouraged people to maintain their independence. Staff spoke to people in a friendly but respectful way and communicated effectively with people when supporting them.
' Is the service responsive?
People received a personalised service based on their individual needs. People's preferences about their care, such as their preferred morning and night time routines, were recorded and known by staff.
Staff encouraged people to make choices and supported their decisions, for example about how they spent their time and where they ate their meals. People were consulted about the home's menu. The cook knew people's preferences about their food and provided alternatives to the menu if required.
People told us that they had opportunities to have their say about the service. They said that their views were listened to and gave us examples of changes that had been made as a result of their requests. One relative told us, 'They're always open to suggestions.'
' Is the service well-led?
The home had an established staff and management team, the majority of whom had been in post for a number of years. Staff were positive about their roles and told us that they received good support from their managers and colleagues.
Staff received an induction when they started work and had access to training in key areas. Staff also had opportunities to discuss their professional development and training needs and to achieve further, relevant qualifications.