7 March 2013
During a routine inspection
Observation of staff practices during our inspection showed that people were receiving effective, safe and appropriate care, which was designed to meet their specific needs. People were relaxed and content in their surroundings. We observed staff who engaged positively with people using the service to encourage them to communicate their consent, wishes and choices.
One family praised the care and treatment provided to their relative and said, 'They're very happy and content and get on well with other people at Prospect". Another family were unhappy and criticised the quality of care provided to their family member".
We spoke with four members of staff who all had a good knowledge of safeguarding, how to recognise the signs of abuse and who to report concerns to if they arose. People who used the service were in safe, accessible surroundings that promoted their wellbeing.
People were protected against the risk of inappropriate or unsafe care because the range of self auditing ensured the manager identified, assessed and managed risks relating to the health, welfare and safety of people using the service.