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  • Homecare service

JSS Homecare Ltd

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Yeovil Innovation Centre, Copse Road, Lufton Trading Estate, Lufton, Yeovil, Somerset, BA22 8RN

Provided and run by:
JSS Homecare Ltd

Report from 15 January 2024 assessment

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Updated 13 March 2024

People received safe care which met their needs and respected their rights.

This service scored 66 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.

Learning culture

Score: 3

Systems were in place for staff to report concerns or accidents to the registered manager. Accidents and incidents were recorded, and actions were identified to help minimise the risk of further accidents for people. The service's quality audit systems identified actions and lessons learnt which were included in the service improvement plan.

People told us that when concerns had been raised with the service, the management team were responsive in addressing these.

The registered manager was aware of their role and legal responsibility to be honest with people when things go wrong and to report and learn from any incidents.

Safe systems, pathways and transitions

Score: 2

We did not look at Safe systems, pathways and transitions during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.


Score: 3

Staff received training in safeguarding adults and children and were aware of the procedures for reporting any safeguarding concerns. The management team were aware of their reporting responsibilities to partner organisations.

People felt safe being supported by the staff and the management of the service.

The provider had a safeguarding policy in place. There were robust systems in place to log, report and record safeguarding incidents together with strong evidence of action taken following these incidents. This included changes made within the service’s systems and processes. Evidence was also seen of action taken in relation to safeguarding concerns related to individual people which had been implemented through the care plan.

Involving people to manage risks

Score: 3

People were positive about the support their received from the service. One person’s relative told us; “They give me updates, call the doctor, arrange for hoists to go in. To have a company that come in and say she needs a hoist and they’ve sorted it out, occupational therapy is coming in, it’s taken so much pressure off”.

At the last inspection we recommended the provider ensures comprehensive risk management plans are in place and these are regularly reviewed. At this assessment we found that the provider made significant improvements in relation to risk management. People's support with their personal risks had been identified and robustly assessed and mitigated, providing staff with in-depth information on how to support people safely. Actions needed to mitigate risk were understood by staff. This included supporting people at risk related to eating and drinking safely, helping people to manage their skin integrity, their risk of falls and risks related to health appliances. In depth risk assessments were in place also in relation to people’s medicines, providing staff with robust information in relation to, for example the reason for why all medicines were taken, side effect and safe management of medicines which are classes as controlled drugs. Moving and handling assessments provided staff with the information they needed to safely support and transfer people. Environmental risks were assessed and where staff were working on their own in people's homes, measure were put in place to ensure personal safety. In addition people had individual risk assessments in place in relation to fire safety, food hygiene, Covid -19 and adverse weather. Where staff provided live in care to people, risk measure were in place to protect staff and people. The management team regularly reviewed people's needs and risks and made changes to people's care plans as needed.

Staff and the management team were aware of people's risks and the support they needed to remain safe and where to find the information required.

Safe environments

Score: 2

We did not look at Safe environments during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.

Safe and effective staffing

Score: 3

People were supported by staff who received a robust training program to cater for a wide variety of needs and conditions. People and relatives were very complimentary of the support they received from staff. Feedback we received evidenced that, where incompatibility with staff who supported was highlighted by people, the service was responsive in addressing this. One relative told us; “They know her well. She has similar staff that go in, they know her. There’s certain staff that go in and she hears their voice and smiles. She can be difficult at [age] but they manage her well, don’t lose their temper, they are very good with her.” Another relative to us; “I think they’re well trained. If you do get the odd one that hasn’t been before they know what to do. I can just say to them, and they say they’ve got that on the care plan.” Other comments included; “Yes we do get the same carer quite regularly, they’ve become like one of the family. Even the ones that are temps are very obliging and do jobs that you haven’t asked them to do.”

At the last inspection we recommended the provider reviews their training and induction to ensure it aligns with best practice guidance and meets people's assessed needs. At this assessment we found that the provider made significant improvements in relation to staff training and induction. The provider safely recruited staff following pre-employment checks to ensure people were cared for by suitable staff. During the assessment we identified one area in which further development was needed, in relation to records evidencing how the provider had assessed the risk to people when they were unable to obtain references or complete checks on an applicant's employment history. However, this was rectified immediately by the provider and learning was drawn from this to improve their processes. Systems were in place to plan and manage the timings of people's care calls and the staff who supported them. The service aimed to support people through a consistent staff team who knew them well. Recruitment was ongoing to fill staff vacancies and grow the service. The registered manager told us that when agency staff were used to fill vacancies, they would benefit from an induction process similar to staff employed directly by the service. New staff were provided with an effective induction period. They were supported to complete the Care Certificate. The Care Certificate is an agreed set of standards that define the knowledge, skills and behaviors expected of specific job roles in the health and social care sectors. It is made up of the 15 minimum standards that should form part of a robust induction program. The service provided staff with a comprehensive training program which covered a wide range of areas such as health appliances, dysphasia, diabetes, dementia, learning disabilities and autism and end of life. Systems were in place for staff to receive support from the management team to enable them to develop their practice and share any concerns.

Staff told us that they had received an induction and training specific to their role. Staff confirmed that call times allowed them sufficient time to support people with their needs and that travel time factored in between calls was sufficient. Staff told us that felt supported by the management team through supervision and team meetings.

Infection prevention and control

Score: 3

People and relatives we spoke with did not share any concerns in relation to infection prevention and control. Information in relation to what personal protective equipment staff should wear was provided to people in the service’s Client Guide.

Staff were able to tell us how they use PPE in accordance with best practice guidance. The registered manager told us in their Provider Information Return (PIR) that; “We have regular audits and inspections to ensure the process and procedures meets the quality requirements. Our risk assessments are reviewed and updated regularly to identify potential infection risks and hazards.”

At the last inspection we recommended the provider ensures comprehensive risk management plans are in place and these are regularly reviewed, this including risks related to prevention and control of infection. At this assessment we found that the provider made significant improvements in relation to risk management in this area. Risk assessments were in place which covered areas such as Covid -19, food hygiene and infection prevention and control. Staff had been trained in safe infection control practices and had access to personal protective equipment (PPE).

Medicines optimisation

Score: 2

We did not look at Medicines optimisation during this assessment. The score for this quality statement is based on the previous rating for Safe.