7 August 2014
During an inspection looking at part of the service
There were 14 people using the service at the time of this inspection. We spoke with six people by telephone to ask their views about the service they received from the agency.
At our last inspection we found that people who used the service were not always involved in developing their care plans and that care plans did not contain enough information to ensure that staff knew how to provide care appropriately.
Some people told us they did not always receive their visits on time and that they were often not contacted if their care worker was running late.
We found that the provider had distributed satisfaction surveys to seek people's views but had not analysed the results or told people what action they had taken in response to feedback.
Information about the service had not been made available in different formats to make it accessible to people. There were no plans in place to deal with emergencies and there were some gaps in staff recruitment records.
At this inspection we found that the provider had taken action to address these issues.
People told us that the manager had visited them to seek their views about their care plans and the service they received. They said that they had been happy with the manager's response if they had raised concerns or requested changes to their care. We checked a sample of care plans and found that that they contained detailed information for staff about people's needs and the way in which they preferred their care to be provided.
All but one of the people we spoke with told us that their care workers always arrived on time. They said that the agency supplied a replacement care worker if their regular care worker could not attend and let them know if a replacement care worker would be attending.
Information had been made available to people in different formats and contingency plans had been developed to ensure that people would continue to receive care in the event of an emergency. We found that there were effective recruitment and selection processes in place and that the provider had obtained all necessary documentation in relation to staff.