2 September 2013
During a routine inspection
We met a number of people using the service at Elizabeth House and spoke in detail with five of these and with one visiting relative. We also spoke with one visiting health professional who provided regular support to the home.
People were offered choices about the food that they ate and their views were listened to when menus were planned. People were satisfied with the meals provided at Elizabeth House. One person told us, 'I eat very well here, the food is very good.'
Medication was stored safely and people received their medicines in a reliable way.
When new staff were appointed a formal recruitment process was followed. Appropriate checks were carried out before new staff started work.
Staff received support, including appropriate training, to help ensure that they had the skills and knowledge they needed to carry out their roles.
People had the opportunity to share their views about the quality of the service. The provider listened to their comments and acted on these.