Updated 4 July 2024
Glencairn Residential Home provides accommodation and personal care to up to 23 people over 65 years of age who may be living with dementia or physical disabilities. When we assessed, there were 21 people using the service. We conducted a site visit of the service on 18 June 2024 to review a warning notice issued in January 2024, and assess the Safe key question. We spoke with people, staff and leaders and reviewed records. At our assessment in January, we found most records were not available. At this assessment, we found records in place that assured us processes to assess and monitor safety within the service were in place. In January 2024 we found significant concerns in medicines management, storage and administration. We also had concerns the service was not following best practice guidance and not referring people for relevant healthcare assessments. At this assessment, referrals had been made to appropriate healthcare professionals and best practice guidance followed. There have been significant improvements in medicines optimisation, storage has been vastly improved with the development of a medicine’s storage room complete with new cabinets and air conditioning to ensure a regulated temperature. However, there were still areas of medicines processes that needed to be improved and they remain in breach of Regulation. Areas for improvement include record keeping, medicines audits and management of open stock. We saw regular premises safety records had ceased when the maintenance person left. This was a breach of Regulations. The provider has engaged fully with the Care Quality Commission and local authority quality improvement teams and shared service improvement plans and developments with both regularly. We have asked the provider to submit action plans for the areas that remain in breach of Regulations.