7 December 2020
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Richmond is located in Bexhill-on-Sea and provides accommodation and personal care for up to 58 older people who live with dementia and live with long term healthcare needs such as Parkinson's. The home is set out over two floors, Richmond and Heatherbank. Heatherbank was on the ground floor and supported people who lived specifically with dementia and who had additional health problems such as decreased mobility. Richmond supported people with health needs and general frailty. There is lift access between the ground floor and upper level.
We found the following examples of good practice.
The registered manager had followed current guidance in relation to infection prevention and control. Measures had been implemented to ensure people entering the home did so following current guidance regarding PPE and social distancing. This included staff temperatures being taken on arrival for work and once more during the day along with recording oxygen levels. Temperatures on arrival at the home were also measured for essential health professional visits. The provider was not currently taking new admissions.
Staff told us how they kept people in touch with their loved ones at this time. This included face timing, telephone calls, letters and emails. Staff had ensured that peoples’ mental health was promoted as much as possible during the pandemic and the home being closed to visitors. There is a music therapist that spends time with people on a one to one basis whilst maintaining social distancing. People spoke of staff taking time for pampering sessions and of staff sitting and talking to them.
People who lived at Richmond were monitored closely by staff to ensure they were well and not displaying symptoms of Covid19. This included twice daily temperature and oxygen checks.
Visiting for relatives was by appointment only. Safe measures had been implemented to support safe visiting for each person’s designated relative. However, at this time due to a COVID19 outbreak, Richmond is closed to visitors unless it’s exceptional circumstances such as to spend time with a relative in receipt of end of life care.
The premises allows for the units to be isolated and there is a dedicated unit for COVID19 positive people should it be required.
There were adequate personal protective equipment (PPE) supplies in the service, this was located at designated points around the home to ensure staff had access to required PPE at all times. Outside each person’s room there was a wipeable unit with PPE equipment and pedal bins. Staff used PPE appropriately. House keeping staff followed a cleaning schedule which had been extended and developed during the pandemic. All staff ensured regular disinfection of frequently touched surfaces of the home for example, handrails and bannisters. Laundry facilities now ensured all peoples personal laundry was washed and dried separately and immediately returned to the person. Social distancing rules were being followed where appropriate.
Regular Covid-19 testing was taking place regularly for people and staff. Staff had access to guidance and policies regarding Covid-19 and infection prevention and control. The registered manager carried out checks and audits in relation to infection prevention and control and implemented any actions identified.
Further information is in the detailed findings below.