- Care home
Report from 22 November 2024 assessment
On this page
- Overview
- Person-centred Care
- Care provision, Integration and continuity
- Providing Information
- Listening to and involving people
- Equity in access
- Equity in experiences and outcomes
- Planning for the future
We could not be assured people had received person centred and responsive care and treatment. The provider was implementing new governance systems, to ensure improvements could be made. Feedback was sought from people and staff through surveys and meetings, and records showed no concerns were raised. People were offered a range of activities and community outings.
This service scored 64 (out of 100) for this area. Find out what we look at when we assess this area and How we calculate these scores.
Person-centred Care
We could not be assured all people using the service had received person centred care, due to concerns found in the safe section of this report. Most people we spoke with told us they were happy living at the service.
At the time of the inspection the provider was implementing new systems to ensure people received safe, high-quality care. An interim management and staff team were in place, whilst changes were taking place.
We observed people being supported to do the things they liked and were meaningful to them. One person told us they liked clothes shopping, and they were observed to be wearing nice clothes. Another person told us they liked Crocs shoes, and they were observed to be wearing Christmas style Crocs.
Care provision, Integration and continuity
No people or relatives raised concerns about accessing healthcare from external agencies. One person told us, “I am off for a check-up.”
Improvements were required to ensure staff followed the policies and procedures in the service, to ensure people received responsive care and treatment.
Partners told us they had identified some concerns which were currently being investigated.
Records evidenced people received support from a range of external professionals. However, we found an incident where staff had failed to access emergency care, following this incident the provider took appropriate action to safeguard this person.
Providing Information
Information was provided to people in accessible formats, such as easy to read formats. Where people did not use verbal speech, records evidenced staff had sought feedback from them using pictures and Makaton.
Staff told us how they used various communication methods, depending on people’s needs.
People had detailed communication care plans in place, which guided staff about how to engage with people. For example, one person’s care plan detailed how staff assisted them to make choices using simple speech, pictures and objects of reference.
Listening to and involving people
Feedback surveys were in place for people, and people were involved in regular meetings. Where people were unable to participate in these meetings, attempts had been made to gain feedback from them using staff interactions and pictorial formats. Most relatives told us they were kept informed about changes. One relative said, “I receive an email when there are any changes.”
At the time of our inspection an interim management team was in place. Staff we spoke with told us the registered manager had previously listened to them. One staff said, “The manager is nice, all the residents like them and they are approachable.” Another staff said, “Management listen to you, they are very considerate to the staff.”
Records showed people were happy with their care and were involved in making decisions, such as taking part in the gardening and attending college.
Equity in access
People had not accessed care, support and treatment when they needed it. One person did not receive medical attention in a timely way and another person was reported to have not received personal care in line with their care plan. We did find people had current medical input from external professionals and where people required ongoing clinical input this was provided, such as GP reviews and epilepsy nurses.
Staff had not always accessed care and treatment for people. The provider had responded immediately to these concerns and took appropriate action to ensure people accessed care and treatment as required.
Partners told us they had identified some concerns and investigations were ongoing at the time of our inspection.
At the time of the inspection the provider was implementing various systems and processes to learn lessons and ensure this incident did not occur again.
Equity in experiences and outcomes
The service was well decorated and had a homely feel. Most people living at the service told us they had positive outcomes, such as being more settled and taking part in activities and community projects. A relative said, “[Name] has been on holiday for a week.” And another relative said, “[Name] enjoys going to the café, staff don’t force them to do things (activities they don’t like).”
Staff told us people made choices about what they wanted. This included when they had their meals, how they liked to spend their day and when they wished to go to bed and get up.
Complaints were effectively managed, where people had raised concerns, these had been dealt with. This included where people and staff had raised recent concerns, appropriate action was taken by the provider to immediately safeguard people.
Planning for the future
People had been supported to move placements where required. People were involved in discussion about their future goals and wishes. For example, one person was attending college to gain a sports educational certificate.
Staff told us how they supported people to achieve their goals. Staff told us of plans in place to support people to visit their relatives over the Christmas period.
At the time of our inspection, no one was receiving end of life care. People's future wishes were included in their care records.