21 August 2013
During a routine inspection
People that were able, told us that they liked the staff and confirmed that they supported them with their daily routines and activities. We observed people being supported with activities during our visit and saw that staff had a good rapport with the people they supported.
Records seen demonstrated that when able, people were supported to be involved in the development and review of their support plans. Where people did not have the capacity to be involved in their support plans, this was clearly recorded in their files.
People were supported to follow their interest and hobbies. One person told us about their interests, which included attending their local church group meetings and services, this person confirmed that these meetings were very important to them. This demonstrated that people's faith needs were respected.
Recruitment records demonstrated that thorough recruitment checks were undertaken before staff commenced employment, this ensured that the provider and registered manager had assured themselves that the staff employed, were considered safe to work with the people using the service.
Systems were in place to monitor the support and services provided, and to identify and manage risks to ensure the service was run safely.