21, 25 November 2013
During a routine inspection
People we spoke with told us they were involved in discussions and decisions about their care and support. Comments included, 'My keywoker talks with me about my support plans and I've signed them.' And, 'We have agreements we have signed, for things like having our photograph taken.'
People had their nutrition and hydration needs met. People told us they were involved in the development of the menu. Comments included, 'Staff help us to choose the menu. We go shopping with the staff and help with the preparation and cooking.'
We found some concerns with the provider's prevention and control of infections polices. Significant information was missing that instructed staff how to prevent and manage issues related to cleanliness, and risks associated with healthcare infections.
People told us they thought there were sufficient levels of staff available to meet their needs. Comments included, 'The staff keep us safe. You can go to the sleep-in room and knock on the door if you're poorly.'
We saw the provider's records were stored securely, fit for purpose and confidentiality was maintained to protect people who used the service and staff employed at the service.