We spoke with two of the five people living at the service.Both of the people we spoke with said they got on well with the staff, they said they treated them with respect and helped them with their day to day lives. They told us they had jobs to do, these included cleaning their bedrooms, doing their laundry, ironing, cleaning, planning their menus, shopping and cooking. They said the staff gave them support with these jobs when they needed it.
The people we spoke with told us the staff understood what help they needed and they said this was provided. Both of the people we spoke with told us they were very well and healthy and they said they knew if they did not feel very well and would tell the staff. They both told us they went to the surgery if they needed to see a doctor. They said they enjoyed going out. One person told us, "I don't get bored I have a lot to do here."
One person said they managed their own medicines, the other person said the staff helped them with this task. They both said they took their tablets on time. One person said the staff made sure they took their tablets and wrote down when they had been taken. They were both happy with the arrangements for their medicines.
Both of the people we spoke with told us there were enough staff on duty to support them at home or out in the community. One person told us that any special trips out were planned in advance at the house meetings to make sure there were staff on duty to assist. They both told us they got on well with the staff and said they were happy with the support they received.
The people we spoke with told us that there were regular house meetings for people living at the service to express their views. One person said they had completed questionnaires about living at the service and they said the results of these had been shared at house meetings. Another person told us, "the big managers come and visit and they talk to us about what it is like to live here." Our evidence showed that there were regular checks on the quality of the service being provided to people living there.