25 February 2014
During a routine inspection
The provider had systems in place to gain and review consent from people who used the service. One person we spoke with said "I am the boss". A relative said "they never do anything they object too". We looked at six care plans and saw that consent was sought and care plans were signed by people or their representatives.
People we spoke with were very positive about the service. One said "they are polite and nice. I know all the people who help me. They are really good". A relative said "this is a fantastic service". We saw that people were appropriately assessed before care was provided and risks to people were appropriately managed.
People were safe from the risk of abuse. The provider had taken steps to ensure that care workers were trained in safeguarding. Care staff we spoke with were able to identify abuse or the risk of abuse and knew how to raise any concerns. The provider had an appropriate safeguarding policy in place.
The provider had appropriate recruitment and selection procedures in place. References were sought and background checks conducted. All care workers were appropriately trained before providing care.
The provider monitored the quality of service. Surveys were conducted and people's opinions sought and acted upon. Complaints were dealt with appropriately and accidents and incidents recorded and investigated.