When we inspected Mencap Society - 120 High Street North on 28 May 2013, we spoke with two of the five people who lived at this location, about their experiences in the home. We saw how staff interacted with them, and gave support. One person told us, "I'm happy living here, we have good days and bad days, but the staff treat me well." We saw positive engagement between staff and people who used the service, and people told us they were always asked for their consent before care and support was delivered. People were encouraged and supported to make their own decisions about everyday life. However where people lacked the capacity to make decisions independently, appropriate processes had been followed to ensure best interest decisions were made on their behalf.
We noted people in this home were at ease in the company of the staff that supported them, and one person told us. "They all work as a good team here. I always get the support I need."
There was a complaints procedure in place, and information relating to complaints was available to people who lived in this home. People we spoke with, knew who they should report any concerns to, and told us that staff were always approachable.
Medication systems ensured people received their prescribed medication on time and in a way that suited their needs.