During our visit we were able to meet and speak with three out of the four people currently living at 9 Furzehill Road. People confirmed that they felt safe and liked living their home, which they have been settled in for a number of years. We observed that people interacted positively with the staff, who provided guidance and encouragement as people came home and made preparations to cook their meals. People were relaxed in their home and followed their individual routines according to what they wanted to do. One person gave a member of staff a card they had written especially for them. Another person was very keen to discuss their day and what they had been doing, which they had clearly enjoyed.We saw evidence that people were supported to take part in a wide range of activities and social events at home and in the community that reflected their personal interests.
People had been provided with a fresh clean home to live in. Two people showed us their own bedrooms. They had their personal possessions and pictures around them that promoted their sense of ownership and belonging. People had a house cat, which they looked after.
We identified that there were appropriate systems in place to recognise and manage changes in people's health needs and give them their prescribed medicines safely.
We confirmed that staff received the training they needed to provide safe effective support and worked flexibly to fit in with people's individual activity programme.