Archived: St Peters (Flat 24)

Flat 24 St Peters college, College Road, Saltley, Birmingham, West Midlands, B8 3TF (0121) 327 4613

Provided and run by:
Royal Mencap Society

All Inspections

3 January 2013

During a routine inspection

We observed how people were cared for to help us understand their experiences. Some

people were not able to tell us what it was like to live at the home.

We saw that people were relaxed and appeared happy with the staff supporting them. We

saw that staff treated people with dignity and respect and carried out their role in a

pleasant manner and with patience.

We saw that people chose how they spent their time and what they ate and drank. People

were dressed in individual styles and we saw that attention had been given to their

personal appearance.

Care plans showed that staff had enough information to support people to meet their


Staff knew how to protect the people living there so that they were safeguarded from harm.

Staff received regular training to give them the skills and knowledge to know how to meet

people's needs and ensure their well being. One staff member said, "Our training is very

thorough and comprehensive."

Management systems were in place to audit the safety and quality of the care and to

ensure that people received care that met their needs.

Records confirmed that systems were in place so that people's views were sought and

responded to.

2 February 2012

During an inspection looking at part of the service

We carried out this review to check on the care and welfare of people using this service.

We visited Flat 24 St Peters on 2 February 2012. We did not tell the home we would be visiting them. People living in this home have little verbal communication. We observed the care they were given spoke to care workers and spoke to a relative.

We were told that people were enabled to remain as independent as possible. We saw a person tidying their room, loading a dish washer and being involved in their care for the day. We saw that the person was assisted when needed. Care workers were able to understand what a person was saying. They were able to interpret non verbal signs that a person made to ensure their needs were met.

A relative told us that the communication with the home was good and it had become easier to coordinate their visits with the person living in the home's plan. They said: All the staff seem to take the time to understand my (relative) and key staff are well informed about my (relative) and also able to provide me with all the information that I need.