25 March 2021
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found the following examples of good practice.
People had been supported to understand COVID-19, social distancing, national restrictions and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). Staff had explained what the virus was and how to keep safe, they had produced easy read documents on various topics and people had also watched videos to learn about keeping safe.
There were thorough measures in place for family and professional visits to the service. These included risk assessments, pre and on the day screening, the supply of PPE and detailed guidance. Family visits took place in a dedicated area accessed externally. Visitors undertook lateral flow tests, which are rapid COVID-19 tests and give a result within 30 minutes. Time was allowed for deep cleaning between visits.
The provider understood the importance of helping people to maintain their mental wellbeing. Most people had electronic devices and used these to maintain their relationships with family and friends. The provider had employed additional activities staff to ensure people maintained their interests and developed their skills. The provider had also organised a range of online activities including exercise classes, religious services and themed activity resources.
Staff were provided with resources to maintain their mental wellbeing and also received regular check-ins, organisational newsletters, virtual team meetings and supervision. The manager told us they felt very well supported by the provider.
The home regularly tested people and staff in line with the government’s testing programme. Risk assessments had been carried out to identify and mitigate the risks to people and staff assessed as at higher risk.
The provider had ensured all staff had received training in putting on and taking off PPE, COVID-19 and infection prevention and control. Staff had a plentiful supply of PPE and were observed wearing this appropriately during the inspection.
The home was visibly clean, free from clutter and robust cleaning schedules were in place. Infection prevention and control audits were carried out regularly and action taken where necessary.