The inspection was undertaken by the lead inspector for the service. We set out to answer five important questions. Is the service safe? Is the service caring? Is the service effective? Is the service responsive? Is the service well led?We considered the evidence we had gathered under the outcomes we inspected. We spoke with six people using the service, looked at care records of two people in detail and a selection of other records in relation to other people's care. We also looked at two staff files and other records relating to all staff. We spoke to four staff on duty, one health care professional and we spoke with both the registered managers.
This is a summary of what we found:
Is the service safe?
Before people were admitted to the home they had an assessment of their needs. This helped to make sure they would be safe in the environment and there was enough skilled and qualified staff to meet their needs.
The managers understood their obligation to apply the principles of the Mental Capacity Act and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DOLS). This is a legal framework designed to protect the best interests of people who are unable to make their own decisions.
People’s legal rights were protected. They were given a contract that outlined the terms and conditions of residence and the duties and responsibilities of both parties.
Care and treatment was planned and delivered in a way that was intended to ensure people's safety and welfare. Risk assessments were completed and staff had been made aware of who may be at risk of falling, developing pressure ulcers or may not eat enough. Staff had guidance on how to manage these risks.
Staff were trained in emergency procedures such as fire and first aid. All staff had been trained in safe moving and handling people. This was kept up to date.
People told us they felt safe and never had any cause for concern. One person said, “I’ve no problems here at all. If I had I would say. It‘s nice here and the staff are kind and thoughtful.” People also told us there were no rules to follow and no rigid routines. Staff spoke to them properly and they were respectful.
Staff had been trained in safeguarding vulnerable adults. Care had been taken to make sure people were kept safe by good recruitment procedures being followed. Staff contractual arrangements prevented them from gaining financially from people they cared for.
We found appropriate arrangements were in place in relation to the safe storage, receipt, administration and disposal of medicines. People told us they received their medicines when they needed them.
Systems were in place to make sure the provider continually checked the service was safe. Guidance was being followed such as health and safety in the work place, infection control, fire regulations and control of hazardous substances. This reduced the risks to people and helped the service to continually improve.
Is the service caring?
People told us they were happy with the care they received and the staff team. They said staff were, “kind”, “very nice”, and “I like them all”. “If I need any help I just ring my bell and they will come and help me. I get help to have a bath.”
We observed staff were considerate, respectful of people's wishes, and delivered care and support in a way that maintained people’s dignity and promoted their independence. Staff engaged well with people and involved them in activities. Activities were wide ranging.
Staff worked to care plans that were person centred, well written and sufficiently detailed on how best to meet individual needs. Daily records maintained, showed staff responded to people's needs as required day and night. Staff had received training to meet the needs of people living in the home.
Surveys carried out showed people considered the service they received was very good. Comments noted had included, ‘A very good care home. If you have a relative that is a resident there, you are very privileged because it is an excellent home’. ‘I feel very fortunate to have found such a caring home. Thank you’.
Is the service responsive?
A continuing assessment of need was on-going for people, including a mental capacity assessment to support continuing care needs being addressed appropriately. The service had good links with other health care professionals to make sure people received prompt, co-ordinated and effective care.
Care plans were being regularly reviewed. Where instructions were written to observe conditions people presented with, these were followed through. Risk management was regularly reviewed to make sure any change in people’s circumstances was not overlooked.
Where people required medicines to be taken when required (PRN), such as pain killers, this was managed well. People told us they got their medication when they needed it, such as when they got up, after breakfast and on demand for medicines prescribed for symptom relief such as pain killers.
Staff were provided with current information and kept up to date with any changes in legislation and good practice guidelines.
A system was in place for receiving comments, compliments and complaints. Meetings were held and we saw where people gave their views this was received well with action taken to improve the service. People told us that they would know how to make a complaint, should they need to do so.
People told us they were happy with their care. They had their own preferred routines, likes and dislikes. There were no unnecessary rules to follow and no rigid routines. People told us they were consulted with and listened to. They had opportunities to express their views in resident meetings and in satisfaction questionnaires.
Staff told us they were given opportunities and time to attend training. Topics they were trained in were varied and relevant to their work such as end of life care. This meant people were being cared for by a staff team with the relevant knowledge to meet their needs.
Is the service well led?
The service had two registered managers responsible for the day to day management of the home. Meetings were held for staff and residents and these showed people were kept up to date with all aspects of the running of the home including best practice issues, quality monitoring and of planned improvements.
People told us the management of the service was good. One person said, “They (the managers) work here and always have time to chat with us. They help us when we need help and I know if I had any problem I could tell them. Either of them would sort it out.” Written comments from relatives included, ‘Briercliffe Lodge, it’s management and staff give the sort of care that is very rare these days, care at its best’.
Staff enjoyed their work and considered the service was managed well and they had very good support from the managers. They were clear about their responsibilities and duty of care and were encouraged to develop their skills and knowledge. Training was provided for them and they were supervised. Staff were kept up to date with any changes in legislation and good practice guidelines.
There were systems in place to regularly assess and monitor how the home was managed and to monitor the quality of the service. We saw evidence the service knew when to consult with health and social care professionals when required. This meant any decision about people’s care and support was made by the appropriate staff at the appropriate level.