People who live at 71 Coriander Close have difficulties in communication and so they were not able to gain their views verbally. We therefore observed what their experience of living in the home was like.Relatives told us they were happy with the care provided.. They told us that people are involved in making decisions as far as they are able. One relative told us they were invited to the person's review meetings and that staff knew the person's needs and were able to communicate with them. They told us 'I am happy with the home. Staff always contact me if there is anything I needs to know. X's health is looked after'.
We saw that when staff came on duty they came and said hello to the people they would be working with. They offered people choices, for example about how and where they wanted to spend their time, and what food and drinks they wanted.
We saw staff communicating with people in a variety of ways, for example via speech, signs or the use of objects, this was in line with people's needs as recorded in their care plan.
People had different choices of meals and staff gave people the support they needed. One person declined their lunch time meal and was offered several alternatives by staff. We spoke with care workers about people's nutritional needs. Staff spoken with were aware of people's needs, for example where people needed a soft diet and what this consisted of.
During our visit we saw there were enough care staff to meet the needs of people in the home. A relative told us 'There are always enough staff, X has a good rapport with them and they know her needs well, staff are able to communicate with X'.