During this review we spoke with nine people who used the service. They told us that they were treated with respect and that their views and choices were listened to and acted upon. People confirmed that they were consulted about the care and support that they were provided with.We had the opportunity to speak to several visiting relatives who told us that "The care is fantastic here and I have no issues or concerns." Another person told us that " I have no complaints and I see this place as my home."
People said that they felt that their privacy and dignity was respected.
Several people told us that they were pleased that an activity co -coordinator had been appointed. People spoken to confirmed that they had been consulted with regard to the type of activities that they enjoyed with a view to creating a programme that offered a range of activities based on specific interests.
We spoke to people who told us that they had always found the service clean and tidy with one person stating that "There is always a fresh and pleasant smell around the place." Two visitors also commented on the high standard of cleanliness they had experienced.
We were told that "The care is fantastic here and I see this as my home." One person stated that "The owner comes and visits everyone to make sure we are happy with everything."