10 April 2014
During a routine inspection
We considered our inspections findings to answer questions we always ask: Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led? This is a summary of what we found-
Is the service caring?
We talked with people who used the service. All of these people told us that the care staff always treated them with dignity and respect and always ensured that it was 'alright' to provide the person with care in a way the person had chosen. Reviews of people's plans of care ensured that people were only provided with care based upon their most up-to-date care information. One person told us, "All the staff are so nice. They are like a family to me. They know exactly what I need help and support with."
Is the service responsive?
We saw that people's care was assessed, reviewed and that changes were made where people's individual care and support needs required this. This ensured that people were provided with person centred care and support. This also ensured that people's needs were assessed and met reliably. People were able to make choices on things such as the preferred gender of their carer, the time the wanted to get up or go bed and the support they needed with their medicines administration. Where a person was referred to a healthcare professional due to a change in their health conditions, we saw that corrective actions were implemented to ensure the person's care remained effective.
Is the service safe?
The safety of everyone who used the service was assessed and regularly reviewed. People were provided with the appropriate level of support to ensure that they were safe and not exposed to risks where this was unsafe. Risk assessments regarding people's health risks had been completed to ensure that the measures that had been implemented were in place to minimise or eliminate these risks. Action had been taken following accidents and incidents to ensure that the potential for any recurrence was eliminated or significantly reduced. Additional checks and audits introduced since our previous inspection meant that people were safely supported with their medicines administration.
Is the service effective?
During our inspection we spoke with staff who were able to demonstrate to us that they had a good knowledge of people's needs and how to provide these effectively and consistently. We saw that staff ensured that people had a good experience of using the service. Quality assurance reviews which had been completed by the provided had confirmed that the majority of people had a good experience of using the service. One relative told us, "We had to make changes when my (relative) first started to use the service but everything is now absolutely fine."
Is the service well led?
Staff we spoke with told us that the manager's door was always open and that if ever they had any concerns that these would be acted upon. Staff told us that their training was excellent and that they could gain additional care qualifications if they needed to do this as part of their role. Improvements had been made since our last inspection to ensure that people who used the service received support and care from staff that were supported, trained and competent to do their job. Effective quality assurance systems were in place and people were listened to.