- Care home
OSJCT Marden Court
Report from 7 December 2023 assessment
Our view of the service
OSJCT Marden Court is a residential care home providing accommodation and personal care for up to 28 people. The service supports older people, some of whom are living with dementia. People live over two floors in one purpose-built building. At the time of our inspection there were 28 people using the service. The service had a manager in post, who had applied to the Care Quality Commission to be the registered manager. We carried out site visits at the service on 12 December 2023 and 4 January 2024. The service learned from incidents and action was taken to ensure improvements were made where needed. Information was shared across the organisation to ensure learning from incidents in other services was implemented. The manager worked with other health and social care professionals to support people when moving between different services. This helped to maintain safe systems of care for people. Staff had been trained in safeguarding and understood their responsibilities to keep people safe from abuse. There was a clear safeguarding and whistleblowing policy available at the service with details of which agencies to contact in the event of any concern. People had personalised risk management plans and risks had been identified. These were kept under review and updated when needed. There were systems to ensure the environment was safe for people. Equipment was regularly checked and serviced. Staff had been recruited safely and there were sufficient staff to meet people's needs. New staff were thoroughly checked before starting work in the home and completed a good induction. Infection prevention and control procedures had been reviewed and updated to reflect the latest guidance. People were supported to take the medicines they had been prescribed. People had choice and control of their care and had access to health and social care services. People could have visitors without restrictions and were supported to access their local community.
People's experience of this service
People told us they felt safe and were happy living at Marden Court. Comments included, "I am really happy here" and "It's like being at home. I feel perfectly safe." People felt there were enough staff available to provide support when they needed it. People said staff had the right approach to providing care. We observed people taking part in a range of group and individual activities. Comments included, "I went out with a volunteer yesterday to do some shopping" and "The staff are very good. Nothing is too much trouble." People told us they were involved in their care plans, reviewing them regularly and making changes when their preferences or needs changed. There were regular meetings for people living at the service and their relatives. Records were kept on what was discussed. People felt able to raise concerns if needed. All the people we spoke with knew who the manager was and felt able to approach her at any time. People told us they would go to the manager or staff with any issue and were confident their concern would be addressed. People said they were able to access the health services they needed. One person commented, "I have access to a GP every week. I can access other services, such as the dentist. I can get transport from here. Everything is so easy to access."