This inspection took place on 6 October 2015. The inspection was announced.
Sisterly Care Limited provides personal care services to people in their own homes. They provide services to older people and people living with dementia. At the time of our inspection there were 73 people receiving support from the service, of which 44 people were receiving personal care. There were 17 care staff and six office staff which included two co-ordinators, one team leader, two administrators and a registered manager.
A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
Audits had been completed but were not evaluated to help improve practice. Surveys had been sent to staff and people but the information analysed did not match the information received in the surveys and there were no overall evaluation of the results to help the registered manager improve the service.
Prior to the inspection we had received information of concern informing us that there were not enough staff to be able to support people safely. We were told most staff were turning up late and not staying for the correct duration because the office gave staff additional calls that they had to “squeeze” in. At this inspection we found people’s care visits where sometimes provided later than planned when staff members were on planned or unplanned leave. However people did not feel rushed; there were no missed visits and staff stayed for the full duration of time.
People told us they felt safe and relatives confirmed this. Staff knew how to keep people safe from harm. Staff said they would report any concerns to the manager and were confident to inform other appropriate professionals if they felt the manager did not deal with the concerns appropriately.
Risk assessments were completed for people which identified risks to their environment and highlighted if manual handling equipment was required. Risk management plans were implemented for people who required support with manual handling equipment and staff were supported to stay safe when supporting people with the equipment.
Safe recruitment practices were followed. There were clear procedures for supporting people with their medicines. Medicine audits were also completed. There had been no medicine errors identified in the last 12 months.
People and their relatives said they received care from regular staff and felt they were well matched with care staff and they had the skills and knowledge to carry out their roles effectively. Staff received an induction programme and regular ongoing training. Staff felt supported but did not always receive supervision in line with the provider’s policy and what the registered manager told us.
The registered manager and staff demonstrated a good understanding of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 and how to put this into practice. People were supported to eat and drink and maintain good health and access ongoing healthcare support.
People and their relatives were positive about the care and support received from staff. People were involved in their care and made decisions about their care. People’s independence privacy and dignity were respected and promoted. The registered manager and staff knew people well. Compliments had been received by people and their relatives in the form of thankyou cards or phone calls to the office.
People’s needs were regularly assessed and reviewed. People’s care plans were personalised and individual, detailing how people like to receive their care. Complaints which had been received had been dealt with, responded to and actioned where required.
The registered manager demonstrated a good understanding of the service. People felt the management and office staff were good. The registered manager demonstrated a good understanding of when the commission need to be notified.
We found one breach of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014. You can see what action we told the provider to take at the back of the full version of this report.