12 April 2012
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We found that everyone had an individual, person centred care plan, which included a section entitled, 'People who helped me write my care plan'. Relatives told us that people's support needs were agreed when they transferred to Bethphage 1 from a previous residential service. One member of staff we talked with said, 'It is about people we are supporting ' giving them a voice'. This meant that people were involved in agreeing their care plan.
We found that risks for people's health, wellbeing and chosen activities had been identified and were regularly reviewed. A relative told us their relation's care plan had been revised following the monthly review meeting between their relative, the co-ordinator and the service manager. This meant that people's needs were monitored and care plans adapted to meet their changing needs.
We found that staff were effectively trained and supported to meet people's needs. We found that staff met regularly with their line manager, were observed in practice and had regular staff meetings. Staff we talked with told us how they maintained people's dignity, privacy and safety while supporting them to live fulfilled lives. A relative told us that their relation's dignity and privacy was maintained and said, 'L is happy with her current life'.
We found that the quality of care was reviewed weekly by team leaders and monthly by the service manager. We found that the registered manager held two-monthly meetings between staff and people who use services, which allowed people regular input into how the service was run. We saw that the provider carried out annual surveys of people who use services and their families. This meant that the provider assessed and monitored the quality of the service.