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  • Care home

Gatwick Rise

Overall: Good read more about inspection ratings

Upper Rodley Road, Bollow, Westbury On Severn, Gloucestershire, GL14 1QU (01452) 922111

Provided and run by:
Severn Care Limited

Latest inspection summary

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Our current view of the service


Updated 10 October 2024

Date of assessment: 22nd to 23rd October 2024. Gatwick Rise is a care home providing care for up to 14 adults with learning disabilities. At the time of inspection, there were 9 people using the service. At our last inspection, we identified breaches of regulation in relation to safe care and treatment, good governance and notifications of other incidents. We carried out a responsive inspection to address issues raised about the service and to review the breaches from the previous inspection. At this inspection, we found improvements had been made and the provider was no longer in breach of regulations. Relatives and staff spoke positively about the service and management. Risks to people had been assessed and care plans were in place to help mitigate risks as far as possible. Care records were detailed and reflected people's care needs. Accidents and incidents were investigated, action taken, and lessons learned. There were sufficient number of trained staff who worked with other professionals when needed to ensure people's needs were met in a safe and person-centred way. Staff were attentive and treated people with kindness and compassion. People enjoyed a varied diet. Staff knew how to support people in a way which respected their decisions and supported them to make choices. At the time of the inspection, the recently appointed manager was in the process of registering with CQC; this has now taken place. Governance systems had been further developed to monitor the quality of care provided. We have assessed the service against ‘Right support, right care, right culture’ guidance to make judgements about whether the provider guaranteed people with a learning disability and autistic people respect, equality, dignity, choices, independence and good access to local communities that most people take for granted.

People's experience of the service

Updated 10 October 2024

People and relatives were generally satisfied with the care provided by staff and optimistic about recent changes to the management team. They said full time staff were kind, caring and supportive of people and their families. Their comments included, “There’s more familiarity with the staff now”, “We’re cautiously optimistic, that we’re approaching calmer waters.”, and “A good thing through all this change is that the families have got to know each other.” People and their relatives told us the new manager had improved communication with relatives. People were supported to make choices and involved in decisions about their care and support and were asked for feedback regularly. Staff listened to people, offered choice and gave them time to respond. A relative told us, “Staff know all of his likes and dislikes.” Systems were in place to ensure people received safe and person-centred care. A relative told us, “We flag up any problems really quickly.” The provider had been actively recruiting new staff while ensuring safe staffing levels by employing agency staff. A relative commented, “One of the big issues has been agency staff who know [person] less well.” People had access to a range of activities and entertainment to support their health and well-being. A relative commented, “[Person] goes to Kingfisher which is a disco – [they] enjoy that. Tuesdays [they] go out in the car shopping. Thursdays [they] go to Dancersize and Fridays Life and Learning. [Staff] keep [person] busy.” Another relative told us, “[Staff] take [person] out for drives to the forest,” and “[Person] now has an activity timetable, with lots of options. [Staff] are trying to add more things, and there’s more onsite activity for [person].” People and relatives said the main house was comfortable and tidy and the new bungalows were modern and clean.