We considered our inspection findings to answer questions we always ask; ' Is the service safe?
' Is the service effective?
' Is the service caring?
' Is the service responsive?
' Is the service well-led?
This is a summary of what we found.
Care Assured is a Domiciliary Care Agency (DCA). The agency was providing support and care to people living in their own homes. At the time of the inspection Care Assured were providing a service to 223 services users in Haydock, Parr and Newton-Le -Willows.
Is the service safe?
We saw that people had been cared for in their own homes and the service had checked if this was safe, clean and hygienic. Equipment in people's homes to assist staff was assessed by the service as suitable to meet people's needs. We were told by people who used the service that the staff arrived on time, except in an emergency and stayed for the correct amount of time. People told us, 'I always get treated with respect' and 'I am happy with the carers and always feel safe'.
We also saw records which demonstrated that there were sufficient numbers of staff available to meet people's needs.
Is the service effective?
We visited three people in their own homes who told us they were happy with the care that had been provided. Some of the comments were, 'Generally on time, sometimes I get more time than I should', 'Never had to complain, but I would know what to do, if I needed to complain' and 'I keep the number of Care Assured in my purse, just in case I need to contact them'. We spoke with four members of staff and they were able to demonstrate a clear understanding of people's needs and how to meet them.
We found that Staff training was consistent, with appropriate and relevant training being provided. We saw that supervision of staff was regularly provided. This meant the provider could demonstrate that the staff employed to work for the service had the training and support to meet people's needs
Is the service caring?
The staff we spoke with during our inspection gave good examples of how they supported people in a caring and sensitive manner. Staff expressed how they felt enthusiastic about caring for people. One of the comments was, 'I really enjoy the work, I love caring for people'.
People we visited told us, 'When my carer went on holiday, I really missed her', 'The carers are like daughters to me', 'I'm happy with the carers and I enjoy having chats with them' and 'They (staff) are great, we always have a laugh'.
Is the service responsive?
The agency assessed people's needs before they were offered a service; this was to make sure they could meet people's needs. Peoples care plans did not contain any background or social history for people using the service. The manager confirmed that they have developed new care plans, which included a social / background history. We were shown a copy of the new care plan document, which was observed to be more person centred and individualised.
One person we visited said, 'I would like to get out more in my wheelchair'. The manager said they would pursue this with Social Services and ask for a review of the person's needs.
Is the service well-led?
The agency had developed a new quality monitoring booklet, which was in the process of being implemented. We observed the targets set by the local authority for electronic monitoring of visits. We saw that from March 2013 to January 2014 98% of care calls had been achieved. We also saw evidence of carers logging in via electronic monitoring, when they arrived and left a person's home. The percentage for this was 93%. The local authority's expectation was 80%.
We observed a new survey questionnaire format, which had recently been developed. The manager informed us that the surveys will be more person centred, for example, will ask people if they feel safe and well cared for and supported. The previous surveys just asked for 'yes' or 'no' answers. This new survey questionnaire will ask for specific comments. This meant that the provider would be able to ascertain people's opinions and views, which could positively change the service delivery.
Some of the comments from people using the service were, 'Never had to complain, I would if I needed too' and 'I have known them all (manager and staff) a long time, always been supportive'. We found the management were fully aware of people's health and social life.