People were satisfied with the service they received and were complimentary about individual staff members. All staff were considered helpful and easy to talk to, which took away their anxieties with regard to their need for support. Comments included:'They are kind and cheerful.'
'They always ask if I need anything further.'
'It is a pleasure to see them.'
We were told by people using the service the staff were friendly and knowledgeable and they looked forward to their visits and had confidence in their abilities. People said that staff were respectful and always checked with them before supporting them or delivering any personal care.
There was evidence to confirm people did not necessarily know who will call to support them, and the timings of calls could be irregular, comments included:
'I never know who will call unless the same person tells me they are doing the next visit.'
'If only I knew they were early or late, then I could then arrange things around them.'
'It would be nice to know who was calling.'
Comments from people receiving the service indicated that the service provided was reviewed and evaluated at every stage to ensure the service was appropriate and met their individual needs.
Some people said they were involved in developing a support plan, which told staff about them. They had a copy of their plan, which they kept in their homes. They told us that someone from the agency came out and talked to them about it.
People told us that they received support with their medication when they needed it and that staff always left them feeling safe.