People told us they were happy with the service they received, staff knew their needs and sought their permission before providing care. Comments included 'The staff are very kind to me' and 'They are always really nice and respectful'. There were systems in place to obtain people's agreement to their care and support plans and to record when people were unable to provide written consent. Most of the staff had undertaken training around the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
We saw that people had a support plan that provided staff with information about people's personal care routine and people told us they had their care needs met.
The systems in place to manage medicines were not always effective. People did not always receive the medicine they needed because sometimes their stock had run out.
Staff were supported in their role by attending training, regular supervision and staff meetings.
The systems in place to regularly monitor service delivery were not always effective. Concerns we identified during the inspection about the management of medicines and in relation to maintaining accurate records had not been identified.
People's care records were not always maintained effectively or accurate.