People spoken to said that the staff were respectful at all times. All confirmed that their privacy and dignity were respected. One person said that the staff always made sure that bedroom and bathroom doors were closed before giving personal care.Four people were asked if they had seen their care plan and signed to indicate their agreement with it. None had seen their care plan or could remember signing anything to do with the plans. None could recall a member of staff reviewing their care in line with their changing needs. Two people said that the care staff always asked them about bathing times and how they wanted their care to be given.
One person who had recently been admitted to the home said that they understood why they were there on a temporary basis, but no-one had explained why they were not permitted to go out unaccompanied.
Two people confirmed that the staff were fully aware of their needs and provided all the care necessary.
Five people who live at the home were asked their views of the meals at the home. Four people said that the meals were 'OK'. Two people said that there was no choice at the main meal of the day, lunch, and that the staff just brought the meal to them. One person said that if they did not like or want the meal being served, the chef would find an alternative meal. This person confirmed that staff asked them what they would like for their evening meal and that a good selection was available for this.
One person said that breakfast had been moved from 8am to 9am and they did not like having to wait an additional hour. They said that no cup of tea or other drink was offered prior to breakfast.
One person who lives at the home confirmed that the District Nurse and the Community Matron visited regularly to provide specialist care.
People who live at the home were asked if they felt safe. All said that they did and were confident that the staff would do everything possible to protect them.
People living at the home said that the staff kept their room really clean and fresh and attended to their personal ornaments and property with care.
We spoke with five people about their medicines. Two people we spoke with had chosen to self-administer some of their own medication but we found that people were not always supported to manage their medicines safely. One person told us that they had been unable to take one of their medicines as they had 'none left for the last three of four days.' The nurse-in-charge told us that she was unaware that a second person self-administered any medicines. Written risk assessments or information about how safe administration was supported was not recorded for either person.
We observed that the morning medicines round was not completed until late-morning. People we spoke with told us that medicines were normally given at around the same times every day, with two people confirming that they were 'late today'.
The nurse-in-charge told us that they only had two nurses on duty for part of the week, so on the other days one nurse has to administer everyone's medicines. As seen today, this takes more time.
One person we spoke with was unsure how often nurses applied their eye drops but thought is was 'about once a week'. We found that the medicines records impossibly showed the eye drops had been given every day, but the only bottle in stock was unopened.
People mostly told us that they had enough information about their medicines, one person adding this was because 'they'd used them for a long time'. Another person told us 'Nurses don't explain what they're for. I would like a bit more information'
One person said that they provide their own heater for their bedroom. They did not like the wall heaters which dried the air too much and so had provided an electric radiator.
One person said that they would like the same moving and handling equipment that was used at the hospital as they did not like the one used at this service.
People who live at the service spoke highly of the staff. One said 'they are so kind and caring'.
One person said 'they have cut down on the staff to save money. The girls are lovely but they are so busy'. Another person said 'there are not enough staff'. One person said ' sometimes you have to wait a while before the staff can get to you. We know they are busy but there are times when you need them right away. They always apologise for not coming to you sooner'. One person said that the call bells ring for a long time.
People said the staff were kind and caring. All said the staff were respectful about their preferences and tried to accommodate these where possible.
People we spoke with said the manager and staff listened to what they had to say and they felt that they could make suggestions about different aspects of the home.
People told us they were satisfied with the service and that they had no complaints at this time. They said they felt able to speak to the manager and staff.
People said that they were aware that records were held about them but had not had any involvement with them.