People who had used the service told us that they were given information about their care and treatment before they underwent procedures. They said that staff were "very professional", "welcoming" and "very attentive".People who had used the service described it as "very good" and "fantastic service". Appropriate medical checks were undertaken before people received treatment and they received appropriate after-care. Staff had been trained in what to do in a medical emergency and there were emergency drugs and equipment available.
Staff had been requested to read the policy on safeguarding vulnerable adults. The manager had liaised with the local authority to attend safeguarding training. We were informed that all staff would have a briefing session in safeguarding at their next team meeting. There was a policy and procedure in place for how to report any concerns, no staff working at the service on the day of this inspection were aware of what procedure they would follow. However they stated they would inform their manager if there were any issues at the location.
When staff started at the service they received an induction. Staff undertook mandatory training on an annual basis. All staff had annual appraisals.
The service conducted audits to monitor the quality of the service it was providing. Regular patient feedback questionnaires were completed on line. Accidents and incidents were logged, reviewed and changes made accordingly.