We carried out this review as part of our scheduled inspection programme and to see what improvements had been made within the home to make it a safer place for people to live. We did this by observing practice as the majority of people living at the home had dementia care needs. Some people with dementia are not always able to tell us about their experiences. We used a formal way to observe people during this visit to help us understand their experience of care. We call this a Short Observational Framework for Inspection (SOFI). We undertook two observation sessions each of 30 minutes in a communal area on both the ground and first floor and observed seven people. We recorded their experiences at regular intervals. This included their state of well being, how they interacted with staff members, other people who lived at the home and their environment.
Where we were able to we spoke with people who used the service, with relatives, staff, the acting manager and the provider's representative.
Before our visit we contacted other people who may have had an interest in the service such as fire safety officers, environmental health, and local involvement networks (LINks). LINks are groups of individual members of the public and local voluntary and community groups who work together to improve health and social care services. To do this they gather the views of local people. The local authority has been looking into a number of safeguarding concerns, under large scale investigation arrangements (LSI). These arrangements are put in place, when a service has a number of safeguarding concerns identified for investigation where people may be at risk of harm
An expert by experience took part in this inspection and talked to people using the service and staff. An expert by experience is someone who uses services, or has had experience of services. They are people of all ages, with different experiences and from diverse cultural backgrounds. They help us improve the way we inspect and write our reports. Our expert by experience took some notes and wrote a report about what they found, we have included their observation in the main body of this report.
We observed staff interaction with people and saw that staff were polite and respectful. Staff offered people discreet and sensitive support. Staff were seen to respect people's dignity and appeared knowledgeable about people's needs. People were offered choices and were consulted where possible.
Not all plans identified people's preferences likes and dislikes. There was however evidence that individual risks had been assessed and actions had been identified to reduce these risks to keep people safe. The acting manager confirmed that the introduction of new care plans was taking place, and they were more centred on individual needs.
People we spoke with said, "I have been taken well care of, staff always ask me if I'm okay and if I need anything." "I won't say anything bad about here. I want to go home 'isn't the same here. I am happy here."