Archived: Willesden Court
All Inspections
27 June 2011
During an inspection looking at part of the service
A person who uses the service told us that, 'all the rooms are very nice'. One person who used the service told us, 'the place is very clean'.
People told us that its 'Ok' here and that staff are 'alright' and the food 'alright'. People told us that 'there is not much going on' at the home. A person told us that staff frequently encouraged them to sit down when they wanted to go somewhere. On one occasion they said that a staff member told them to, 'sit! As if I were a dog'.
2 December 2010
During a routine inspection
People commented positively about the support they received and told us that the staff member supporting them was "a good person" and expressed gratitude for the care they provided. Others commented that "there are good people here."
People told us that they were "quite happy with the people around me" and that staff are "OK".
People using the service told us that staff had asked them about their wishes and consent to be resuscitated in the event that they became unwell.
People who use the service were asked about the food and commented that the 'food is very good' and 'very nice'. Relatives told us that the 'food is fine' and that the staff in the kitchen know what their relative enjoys and will make every effort to make something that they know they will enjoy eating. Other visitors spoke positively about the food and told us that their relative receives help as needed with their meals.
People told us that they have access to their GP when they need to see them. A visitor told us that staff were very responsive and called for an ambulance when their relative had become unwell.
People told us that they were settling in well into the home and that they felt safer than when they were alone at home. People also told us that they were treated as a 'human being' and that 'they treat me fair' and that Willesden Court "is not a bad place".
Visitors representing their relatives told us that they felt that the staffing levels remain a problem. They told us "there is not enough staff, they do their best but they can't cope when there are only two people on duty on the unit due to sickness." We were told that people who use the service remained in their rooms because of staff shortages. We were told that staff shortages are sometimes also due to staff being taken off the floors for training, without appropriate cover arrangements. They told us that "Management always promises staff but this has not materialised."
Others said that staff listen and respond when they ask for things to be done for their mother.
None of the people we spoke with expressed any concerns around the quality of the service they were receiving. They told us when we asked about the service "I can't complain". People told us that they could speak to staff if they were worried about anything. A visitor who commented on behalf of their relative told us that an incident they had reported to the home was taken seriously and that the home responded in writing the next day.