27 March 2014
During an inspection in response to concerns
People experienced care, treatment and support that met their needs and protected their rights. People told us staff cared for them appropriately. One person said, "I am looked after well here.” They added, “I am so pleased I came here.”
There were enough qualified, skilled and experienced staff to meet people's needs. People we spoke with confirmed staff were meeting their care needs. People we spoke with told us their call bells were answered promptly and they were not kept waiting for long.
The provider had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people received. People we spoke with told us they had meetings and could raise concerns with the manager or staff and these would be acted upon.
People were protected from the risks of unsafe or inappropriate care and treatment because accurate and appropriate records were maintained.
People experienced care, treatment and support that met their needs and protected their rights. One person who used the service said, “They are marvellous here.” Another person said, “The standard of care is very good.”
People who used the service were protected from the risk of abuse, because the provider had taken reasonable steps to identify the possibility of abuse and prevent abuse from happening. People told us they felt safe in the home.
People were cared for by staff who were supported to deliver care and treatment safely and to an appropriate standard. We spoke with two visiting relatives. One relative said, “The manager is marvellous,” The other relative said, “The carers are lovely.”
We found that the provider had an effective system to regularly assess and monitor the quality of service that people received.
We spoke with three relatives during our inspection who told us they had been involved in the development of their relatives care plan. They also told us they were able to make changes to their relative's care if they needed to. They also told us their relative's dignity was respected and confidentiality was always maintained.
People who used the service told us they were happy living at the home and they were well looked after. Staff were described as very kind, nice and good.
We spoke with three relative's who told us they were happy with the care and their family member was well looked after.
We spoke with three relatives who confirmed they would talk to the manager if they had any concerns. All three relatives told us their relative felt safe. People who used the service told us that they felt safe at the home and they would tell staff or the manager if they were worried about anything.
We spoke with four people who used the service who told us the home was always clean, tidy and homely. We spoke with three relatives who told us the home was always having some decorating done. They also said it was clean and tidy and there were no problems with the cleanliness.