In this report the name of the registered manager, Ms E J Kirtland appears, who was not in post and not managing the regulatory activities at this location at the time of the inspection. Their name appears because they were still identified as the registered manager on our register at the time.At our previous inspection of 7 January 2013, the provider was non compliant in all five outcomes we looked at.
During the inspection process we spoke with six people who used the service, one relative, the registered manager, care specialist, location manager and five care staff.
People were provided with information about the service provided by the agency and what they could expect.
Care plans provided staff with basic information about people's assessed needs and how to meet them. One person who used the service said, 'I know that I have a care plan but I don't know what is in it.'
We found that the management of people's prescribed medicines were unsafe and placed people at risk of not receiving their medicines as directed by the prescriber.
We found staff had training and support to make sure they could meet the needs the people they were caring for. One relative said, 'The care staff are very good.'
The service's quality assurance monitoring tools were not entirely robust to ensure people received an effective service.