1 August 2017
During a routine inspection
This inspection was carried out on 1 August 2017 and was unannounced.
There was a registered manager in place, who had taken up their post since our last inspection. A registered manager is a person who has registered with the Care Quality Commission to manage the service. Like registered providers, they are ‘registered persons’. Registered persons have legal responsibility for meeting the requirements in the Health and Social Care Act 2008 and associated Regulations about how the service is run.
At our last inspection on 7 April 2016 we identified three breaches of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 Regulations. People were not always supported to eat safely. Staff did not follow the guidance put in place by a speech and language therapist regarding one person’s meals. People's changing needs were not always responded to in a timely manner. One person's behaviour had changed significantly but guidance for staff on how to support the person had not been reviewed or updated. There was insufficient managerial oversight of the home and records were not well organised.
Following our last inspection, the provider sent us an action plan setting out how they intended to make improvements and meet the regulations.
At this inspection we found the provider had taken action to address these concerns and to meet the relevant regulations.
People were supported to eat safely. People who had needs related to eating and drinking had been reviewed by a speech and language therapist since our last inspection. Staff were knowledgeable about the revised guidelines put in place by the speech and language therapist and followed these when supporting the person during our inspection. People were supported to eat food they enjoyed and were encouraged to maintain a healthy diet.
There were guidelines in place for staff about how to provide the care and support people needed. Where necessary, referrals had been made to health and social care professionals to ensure that appropriate guidance was provided to staff.
The management oversight of the home had improved. Relatives and advocates told us the registered manager provided good leadership for the home and staff told us the registered manager had improved the support they received. The registered manager also managed another of the provider’s registered care homes but demonstrated that this did not diminish their ability to manage Heathlands effectively. Records were well organised, up to date and stored confidentially where necessary.
People were safe because staff understood any risks involved in their care and took action to minimise these risks. There were sufficient staff on each shift to keep people safe and meet their needs. Staff understood their roles in keeping people safe and protecting them from abuse. The provider carried out appropriate pre-employment checks before staff started work.
Medicines were managed safely. Accidents and incidents were recorded and reviewed to ensure any measures that could prevent a recurrence had been implemented. Staff maintained a safe environment, including appropriate standards of fire safety. The provider had developed plans to ensure people would continue to receive care in the event of an emergency.
People’s care was provided by staff who knew their needs well and provided support in a consistent way. Staff had access to the induction, training and support they needed to do their jobs.
People’s care was provided in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005. Staff supported people to make decisions and respected their choices. Where people did not have the capacity to make decisions, relevant people had been involved in making the decision in the person’s best interests. Applications for DoLS authorisations had been submitted where restrictions were imposed upon people to keep them safe
People’s healthcare needs were monitored and they were supported to obtain treatment if they needed it. People who had ongoing healthcare conditions were supported to see healthcare professionals regularly.
People were supported by caring staff. Staff treated people with respect and maintained their privacy and dignity. People were encouraged to be independent and were supported by staff to learn and develop new skills.
Staff understood people’s individual communication needs and supported people to give their views about their care. People had access to activities they enjoyed and had opportunities to enjoy an active social life.
People’s needs had been assessed before they moved into the home to ensure staff could provide the care they needed. Where needs were identified during the assessment, a care plan had been developed to address them.
The provider had an appropriate complaints procedure, which explained how complaints would be managed and listed agencies people could contact if they were not satisfied with the provider’s response. There had been no complaints since our last inspection.
The service was well led, with an open and inclusive culture. Staff shared important information about people’s needs effectively. Team meetings were used to ensure staff were providing consistent care that reflected best practice. There was evidence of learning from events, including incidents and accidents.
The provider’s quality monitoring checks ensured people received safe and effective care. Staff made regular in-house checks and the provider’s area manager carried out a monthly audit. An action plan was developed to address any areas identified for improvement and incorporated into the home’s continuous improvement plan.