Updated 5 April 2017
We do not currently rate independent standalone substance misuse services.
We found the following areas of good practice:
- Addaction RISE-Exeter offered clients a range of treatment options for drug and alcohol misuse.
- Clinical staff made safe prescribing decisions following a comprehensive assessment of risk and client needs. They used National Institute of Health and Care Excellence guidance when prescribing medication, offering psychosocial interventions and undertaking community detoxification interventions.
- Clinical staff received training needed to complete their jobs. They engaged in supervision and received annual appraisals.
- Addaction RISE-Exeter reported and investigated incidents. Governance systems were in place to ensure that staff learnt from these.
- The service had clear access criteria and criteria for clients who needed to be seen urgently.
- Addaction RISE-Exeter locations were clean, well maintained and had the necessary equipment to undertake basic physical health checks.
- Clients using the service reported that staff were respectful, polite and caring. Clients felt involved in decisions about the service and had the opportunity to provide feedback.
- Addaction RISE-Exeter offered a weekly friends and family group for those affected by someone’s substance misuse.
However, we also found the following issues that the service provider needs to improve:
- Although Addaction had identified that documentation to support prescribing decisions and client recovery was often missing from records or incomplete, they had not worked effectively with staff to ensure that this was completed to an appropriate standard.
- Records did not demonstrate client involvement in treatment through client signature or offering copies of treatment plans.
- Addaction RISE-Exeter had not been providing CQC with all notifications in line with the number of incidents identified locally. This was required as part of their registration.
- The frequency of staff supervision sessions did not meet the standards of local policy.