People told us good things about the service. Their comments included 'staff are nice' and 'very happy.'People told us that staff would do things differently if they asked them to.
People told us that they had a choice on how they spent their day. People told us that their care plan was flexible. One person gave us the example of changing their planned activities from one day to another so that they could spend more time with a visiting friend.
People indicated that they were happy with how their care and support is delivered by the service. People's comments included 'staff are good and 'staff are nice and helpful.'
Two people told us that they looked at their care plans of a regular basis. One person told me they were proud of the information in their care plan and all of the photographs that had been taken of them.
People told us that they felt safe.
People told us that if they had a concern or were not happy they would talk to the staff.