Archived: Lyncroft Care Home
All Inspections
9 May 2011
During an inspection in response to concerns
One person told us that some information we discussed with them was incorrect. We told the manager about this and were informed that the care plan would be changed. There was also an issue about this person missing their bath because of a long standing outing they made on the day their bath was 'allocated'. We spoke with the manager about this, who was not aware that there was an issue. We were told that they would ensure that the person would be able to have a bath when they wanted one.
Another person told us that the staff helped them attend appointments at the hospital.
People we spoke with during the visit told us "They help me with my frame and to get washed and dressed morning and night", "They are good in here in looking after you" and "We are looked after well. We choose what we eat and when to get up and go to bed".
People said that there are things going on in the home and they can choose whether they attend or not. One person told us they liked to stay in their room, where they had everything they needed such as a telephone, TV, magazines and newspapers and lots of personal memorabilia.
During our visit on 9 May 2011 people who use the service told us that they would talk to staff in the home, including the manager, if they had any concerns about their care or support.