14 February 2011 and 10 May 2012
During a routine inspection
People who use the services felt supported to make decisions for them selves and were encouraged to be independent. One person who uses the agency said 'They give me support, help with money and bills I need' 'I do voluntary work during the day and the care worker mostly help me in the evening when I need it'. People told us they were able to make decisions and choices about their care and support. This was done by talking about this with them when they first began to use the service and when any concerns about their care arose. They said they had signed their care plan to show that they had given their agreement and consent.
People said that they had discussed their support and preferred routines with staff. They received the help they needed and that they were encouraged to do things for themselves. One person commented about the care staff "They treat me very well and help me when asked" Everyone told us they were happy with the care and support received. Some people were aware of their care plan but did not see it as important. People said they had the help they required and independence was encouraged. A person who uses the service stated that "They help me go out" When commenting about his care plan he said it was about his care and he had been involved in writing it. He also said "Care staff support me paying bills and help me with my shopping.
People told us they received care and support from a small team of staff and were happy with the care received and had no concerns relating to workers and felt supported by the staff and said the agency provided a reliable service with enough staff to meet their needs. They told us they felt staff had the skills and experience to meet their care needs and that they were kind and caring. People that we spoke with confirmed that they were happy with the support the agency provided. People thought that they had an active say on ways to improve their care.