25 January 2013
During a routine inspection
We visited the homes of two people using the service. We observed that all medicines were stored in lockable cabinets. People showed us where they kept their keys for their medicine cabinet, we saw they were kept in a secure place.
People told us there were enough members of staff to support them. We asked people how they would find a member of staff to talk to if they needed help. One person commented, 'I come to the office if I need staff.' We saw there were enough members of staff available to cover the rostered shifts.
People told us that they could raise any concerns they had with staff. One person commented, 'If I am not happy, I tell staff.' Staff stated they would encourage people to feedback about the care and support they received by supporting them to complete customer satisfaction questionnaires. We looked at some which had recently been completed. They showed people had ticked to confirm they knew how to make a complaint.
Staff told us they had attended Mental Capacity Act 2005 and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards training. This training equipped them to understand when consent should be obtained, by whom and in what circumstances.