• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: Shurdington Road Care Home

97a Shurdington Road, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL53 0JQ (01242) 578922

Provided and run by:
The Brandon Trust

All Inspections

8 July 2013

During a routine inspection

At this scheduled inspection we also followed up on a compliance action issued on 11 March 2013. We were unable to ask people about their views of living in the home because of their complex communication needs. However, we observed that staff understood peoples' communication needs and were able to support people to make choices about their daily living.

Care records were personalised to each individual's needs and detailed the wishes of the person and how they wanted to receive their care and support. We saw that person centred care plans had been completed using pictures and diagrams to help people have some understanding of their care needs. Risk assessments had been completed where necessary and all care records were regularly reviewed.

Appropriate arrangements were in place in relation to obtaining, storing and the recording of medicine. People's personal records were accurate and fit for purpose. The provider sought the views of people who used the service and used these comments to improve and develop the service. The compliance action issued on 11 March 2013 was met because new person centred plans had been completed for everyone living in the home and these could be located at the service.

11 March 2013

During a routine inspection

We were unable to communicate with the people using the service due to their complex communication needs. However, we observed staff communicating with them constantly and meeting their preferred needs. People were seen as relaxed and looked comfortable using the communal rooms with the care staff who treated them in a calm and caring manner.

The consent and care records we looked at were complete. There were some records missing from the home that were not located during our visit.

Generally there were sufficient staff available to meet people's daytime needs and staff had time to complete activities with people.

We found a clean and well maintained environment where bedrooms had individual sensory equipment.

21 February 2012

During a routine inspection

We were unable to communicate with the people using the service due to their complex communication needs. However, we observed staff communicating with them constantly and meeting their preferred needs.

People were seen as relaxed and smiling with the care staff who treated them in a calm and caring manner.