• Care Home
  • Care home

Archived: The Rise Care Home

3-4 The Rise, Shipton Oliffe, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL54 4JQ (01242) 820664

Provided and run by:
The Brandon Trust

All Inspections

23 October 2013

During a routine inspection

There were five people living at the home at the time of the inspection. Three people were limited in their abilities to communicate verbally with us so we observed the care provided to them. We were able to talk in depth to one person living at the home to gain their views.

One person told us they liked living at the home, saying it was 'cool' and 'fine'.

We observed staff asking for people's consent consistently through the visit whilst supporting them. One person told us about how they had agreed to the care provided by signing their care plan saying 'I signed ' my name is there'.

We observed care being delivered in line with people's individual care plans and one person told us how staff met their needs. One person told us 'I cook dinner ' pasta and cheese and staff help me'.

There were systems in place to ensure medicines were kept and administered safely. One person told us 'staff give me water with my tablets'.

We observed staff interactions with people who used the service and found them to be respectful, friendly and warm. There were enough staff on duty to ensure that people were able to access the community. One person told us 'there are four staff here every day and I know them'.

There was a complaints system in place and one person told us 'I would tell somebody, the staff who work here (if I had a complaint), but I'm happy'.

26 September 2012

During a routine inspection

We were only able to talk directly to one person living in the home due to people's disabilities and they told us they liked living there and the staff were kind to them. The person told us about their day at college and what they had been making and they told us about their dancing lessons.

We looked at previous quality assurance surveys completed by relatives and healthcare professionals. The information was positive and included the following comments, "I would recommend the home", "no problems, all service users appear well and happy and all staff have been very helpful" and "all excellent".