15 May 2013
During an inspection looking at part of the service
We spoke with three staff. One told us that they 'enjoyed their work and had a really lovely group of people to support'. The others both said 'I love my job.' All told us that there was lots of support available to them.
Staff told us that there was sufficient information in the support plans to be able to assist each person although it was not always as clear as it could be. They told us they always read the information and checked verbally with people that nothing had changed.
There was an up to date policy and procedure for medication. Staff had received training and were able to demonstrate knowledge of their responsibilities with regards to prompting or assisting people with medication.
There was an effective recruitment process in place which ensured that staff had the right skills and qualifications and were safe to work with vulnerable people.
Records were accurate and fit for purpose. They were securely stored and the provider had a policy for retention and destruction.