People we spoke with during our visit to the service were generally very satisfied with the help and support they are provided with. The staff team ensure that people have a say in how they are cared for ' 'I came and visited the home with my family and we chose here. I made a good decision'. 'They are looking after me very well and are very kind', 'they do everything I need' and 'we have just had a very nice Christmas and been very spoilt'. We were told that the activities that are provided are very good 'It makes it very interesting living here because we have a lot to do' and 'I join in all the activities regardless of whether I like it or not, because I like to chat with everybody else'.There was a mixed response about the meals provided, but the negative comments were in respect of variety rather than quality of food. There is a four week menu plan that provides a range of different meals and new ideas are introduced at the request of people living in the home.
'The staff are kind' and 'I can not fault the way the staff look after me, they are polite and always ensure I am satisfied'. We observed the staff working with the people they were looking after and saw they were kind and courteous.
'Sometimes the staff have to rush because they have a lot to do. I wish they had more time to sit and talk with me', 'the girls work so hard and go to great lengths to satisfy us all' and 'all the staff are very kind to me'.
We have asked the provider to take compliance action in two areas in order to achieve and sustain compliance with all of the essential quality and safety standards.
When people are unable to make decisions for them selves, care staff need to show how they have made decisions about peoples care in their best interest.
They are not fully compliant with the cleanliness and infection control essential standard.