Archived: Rose Martha Court
All Inspections
7 April 2011
During a routine inspection
A family member told us 'I've been coming here for years, my relative is very happy. They seem well looked after, they seem fine". One person told us they would like to have a bath more often but they thought staff did not have the time to assist them.
Another person did not like the clinical feel and smell in the first floor shower room, so preferred to have a strip wash.
People had differing views about the quality of the food provided at Rose Martha Court. Whilst the majority thought it was good, two people thought the vegetables were over cooked and the meat was hard to chew.
People with whom we spoke said that the home supported them in seeing their doctor and attending hospital appointments. Trips to the dentist are arranged and staff were helpful in arranging chiropody services within the home.
People felt the staff would take action to identify and prevent abuse from happening. Three people said they would raise concerns if they suspected that there was a risk of abuse occurring. A relative with whom we spoke told us they felt their relative was safe living at Rose Martha Court.
The majority of people told us that the home was clean and the environment pleasant especially the bedrooms, although a visitor told us: 'Always a strong smell of urine throughout the home'.
People said they received their medication on time and had no concerns regarding medicine management within the home. People, including family members, visitors, external providers and those using the service, all spoke positively about the environment in Rose Martha especially regarding the personal touches in the bedrooms and the activity room which provided a welcoming atmosphere to people as they came in. One person living at the home told us in respect of the activities room and the general feeling of the home: 'It's very pleasant, you couldn't ask for more"
Some people said that car parking was not always easy. There are no markings to help people park efficiently and no specific accessible parking provision. People on the whole said that the provision of equipment was satisfactory, although two people told us that some of the wheelchairs were not comfortable and did not have foot rests.
People were positive about the suitability of the staff employed at Rose Martha. Comments included 'Can't fault them' and 'They're very good, always here to help you' and 'They're all very pleasant, very nice and kind'. People said there was adequate numbers of staff most of the time and that they regularly seek their views on the care and service provision within the home. They said they are kept informed through resident meetings and care reviews. They told us that they felt comfortable talking to the staff about any issues that they had and that the manager was also available for them to talk to.