Archived: Wainfleet
All Inspections
30 March 2011
During a routine inspection
Most people were not able to tell us about how they are helped to make decisions about their care, but one person told us how she was able to make her own choices and decisions about her care and treatment.
The care staff we spoke with were able to tell us about the needs of people they cared for and the support they needed.
Each person has a photograph of their key-worker in their room and one person told us that she really gets on with her key-worker. Although she said that, no-one had sat down with her to discuss what was written in her care plan, she commented 'I know staff write things down about me but I haven't seen it", she also said she felt her care was an "on-going process" and felt staff "talk through the options".
We spoke with the manager of one of the district nurses who told us "staff are pretty good at picking things up early, there are no skin tears and very rare reports of pressure ulcers". Her only concern was that the "home is disorganised, in particular the medication room". We spoke with one visiting district nurse who told us "concerns are always referred to us appropriately and on the whole staff are very caring".
Some people told us they liked the meals and we saw that a choice of food was offered at lunch time. One person said "dinner was lovely" and another person told us that in her opinion the "fresh vegetables are sometimes overcooked and there is a lack of seasoning".
Staff told us about the way in which they had been recruited and this confirmed a safe, thorough procedure had been followed. People told us "the staff are lovely", "very kind" and "very caring". We spoke with a relative who told us "the care is very good, the staff do a wonderful job under extreme circumstances". However, one person told us "there is never enough staff on duty, there are a lot of us that need two staff to help and sometimes I have to wait quite a long time before staff come to me and often cleaners will help out". Staff working in the home and other visiting professionals also told us that at times they feel there is a lack of staff.
People told us they could talk to staff and the manager if they had any concerns. No-one raised any complaints with us during our visit.