12 April 2011
During an inspection looking at part of the service
Relatives told us that they had been involved in the care planning process. We were told that the home was working with the people, next of kin and care managers to make sure all care plans were agreed.
Staff told us that things had continued to improve at the home. They said that people's health was being more closely monitored and they had received training to make sure this was being done. This meant that any deterioration in people's health was being identified quickly and prompt action was being taken.
They said that care plans had improved since the last visit and that communications between the trained staff and care staff was better. This means that staff had more information about how to look after people in the way that suited them best
There were checks in place to make sure everyone had received the personal care that they needed.
All the people we spoke to told us that the issues and concerns about the home had arisen because of the inconsistent management. People were still concerned about the constant changes of manager at the home. Staff told us again at this visit that their only fear was that things might deteriorate if the managers continued to change.
There had been another change in manager since our last visit to the home in November 2011. The new manager had only been working in the home for 3 weeks at the time of our visit.
The atmosphere in the home was calm and staff were busy looking after the people. People told us that they felt safe at the home.
People told us that the staff managed all their medication. They said that they get their tablets on time. People told us that they were offered pain relief tablets on a regular basis.
People said that the relief manager who had been in post for the past few months had brought stability to the home.
Some people said that staff were there when they needed them and that they felt there was enough staff on duty. People who use the service told us they were receiving the care that they needed and they said the staff were good.
Call bells were answered promptly on the day of the visit. Staff did tell us the number of staff on duty was now more consistent.
We were told that sometimes people were left in the lounge area for periods of time without a member of staff being present. We were told that they did not have access to a call bell to get staff assistance if they needed it.
Staff told us that there had been a lot more training in the last few months.
People and their relatives told us that they had been asked for their views about the home.
They said that their views had been taken into consideration and were being acted on.
The people spoken with had no complaints. If they had concerns they told us they would speak to the staff and others said they would tell their relatives who would act on their behalf.
Records for example, care plans; medication records and personal information were held securely.