We considered all the evidence we gathered during this inspection. We used the information to answer the five questions we always ask: Is the service caring? Is the service responsive? Is the service safe? Is the service effective? Is the service well led?This is a summary of what we found-
Is the service caring?
Throughout the day we listened to conversations, observed interactions between staff and people, spoke with staff, relatives and people living in this home. We heard caring and encouraging staff interacting with people as they completed their tasks. Choices were offered and people were given time to make their decisions.
Comments we received told us that staff were caring. Relatives told us they would not want their loved one living anywhere else.
Records we looked through told us that concerns were addressed straight away such as weight loss or pressure area problems.
Is the service responsive?
Medical support was called quickly and the home was supported by the local GP for any health concerns. Records showed when issues arose with a persons' health, that staff responded quickly to those concerns. We read the support given by an expert on nutrition and pressure area concerns and noted that the home acted in a timely manner.
Relatives told us that they were kept up to date and involved in all aspects of their family members care. One concern regarding a complaint was acted upon quickly and other professionals were involved from the beginning of the concern.
Is this service safe?
The home is purpose built and well maintained. There were secure locks on the front door and staff greeted visitors who signed in to show they were in the building. Maintenance records, service certificates and safety checks were completed regularly and were up to date. This ensured the building was a safe place for people to live in.
Staff were recruited and records were checked prior to staff being employed to ensure the personnel were suitable to work with vulnerable people. We read the managers checks for the month where those records had been reviewed to ensure they were up to date.
Staff we spoke with were competent and up to date with their training. Nursing staff had regular opportunities to update their clinical training and knowledge to ensure they offered safe and up to date care and support to people living in the home.
Is the service effective?
The home had a team of staff led by nurses who were familiar with the needs of the people they were supporting.
There was an open door policy that was led by the manager. We noted that all staff and relatives used this open door approach and involved the manager with what was happening daily.
At 3pm all the staff team gathered to discuss any concerns or ideas that could benefit the home. The staff told us this was an effective way to introduce new ideas and sometimes a better way of working to benefit people living in the home.
The manager told us they were always looking for ways to improve the service provided.
Is the service well led?
The manager gave us evidence to show how the home was managed. We read regular audits completed by both the manager and senior manager for the company to ensure quality was provided.
We read training planners, supervision notes and spoke with staff who told us they were supported well by management to do the job required.
We spoke with relatives who told us the manager was supportive, knowledgeable and approachable. They told us they were asked their views on the service and that any concerns would be acted on quickly and appropriately.